RESOURCE: Making Everyday Activities Emotionally Enriching

Making Everyday pic

A video presentation showing how almost any activity or interaction can support emotional wellbeing, learning and development. Many people with severe and profound intellectual disabilities and complex needs spend a lot of their day having personal and medical care needs attended to. The video explains how awareness, attunement, responsiveness and time are key concepts and practices for increasing quality of interactions to improve quality of life.

  • Awareness – of how we feel, the impact this may have acceptance and intention
  • Attunement – being in harmony with another person – being sensitive to cues and states
  • Responsiveness
  • Time – for taking in information, processing, regulating and resting

20 mins

Delivery mode:
Video presentation

Suitable for:
Teachers, teaching assistants, other educational professionals, carers, support workers, therapists, psychologists, wellbeing professionals, nursing professionals, social care professionals, family members, friends.

In this presentation you will learn about:
An approach that you can incorporate into daily activities and routines
How to facilitate daily activities in an emotionally nurturing way
How self awareness, attention, responsiveness and time can be used to maximise opportunities to nurture wellbeing
A model that can be applied to almost any activity, task or experience, at any time of the day

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